[ en ] How can I change my life in 3 months by eating healthy and exercising regularly? [ /en ] [ cn ] 怎样通过健康饮食和定期锻炼在三个月内改变自己的生活? [ /cn ]
获得 468.3k 好评的回答 @Nick Wolny:
[ en ] I lost 110 pounds in my late teens and here are my thoughts: [ /en ] [ cn ] 快 20 岁时我减掉了 110 磅,以下是我的想法: [ /cn ]
[ en ] Implement small changes consistently. Assume your results will increase with time, and expect a slow start. Give yourself space for mental dissonance the first few weeks while you implement this new habit. Would you want to live in a high-rise that was built in three months? [ /en ] [ cn ] 要不断实现小目标。你要假定目标会随着时间增长,而且你设定的起点要低。养成新习惯时前几周给自己时间让大脑适应。你愿意住在三个月就竣工的高楼里吗? [ /cn ]
[ en ] Here were some of my small changes that laid the groundwork for big results: [ /en ] [ cn ] 以下是我为了大转变打基础做出的一些小改变: [ /cn ]
[ en ] ● Cut from three sodas a day to two, then one, then zero. ( This took me from 270 pounds to 240 over about four months. ) [ /en ] [ cn ] ●一天 3 瓶汽水减到 2 瓶,然后减到 1 瓶,最后不喝(这让我在 4 个月内从 270 磅减到 240 磅)。 [ /cn ]
[ en ] ● Up your evening sleep to 7.5 hours, then 8, then 8.5, and more if needed. Only up the number once a week. [ /en ] [ cn ] ●晚上睡眠时间延长到 7.5 小时,然后延长到 8 小时,最后到 8.5 小时,如有必要还可继续延长,1 周只延长一次睡眠时间。 [ /cn ]
[ en ] ● Food - Eggs are amazing if you're looking for a budget save. I've eaten the same breakfast every morning for five years: 6 whites and 2 yolks with some avocado and veggies, all scrambled together. You can find TONS of stuff like this on the internet. [ /en ] [ cn ] ●食物——如果想节省开支鸡蛋是很好的选择,我 5 年每天早晨都吃相同的早餐:6 个鸡蛋白,2 个蛋黄和一些牛油果了还有蔬菜混在一起吃。你可以从网上找到很多类似食谱。 [ /cn ]
[ en ] ● I used running for cardio because it was easy to measure - how many laps I did this week, how much to add in in the future, etc... whatever you decide to do, know the basics for scaling up so you don't run into injury. [ /en ] [ cn ] ●我进行跑步这个有氧运动,因为锻炼效果容易衡量——这周我跑了多少圈,以后要加多少圈等等…无论你选择什么运动,都要注意最基本的是锻炼强度要按比例增加,以防受伤。 [ /cn ]
[ en ] From what I shared, it sounds like implementing habits will generate the biggest change. It will be challenging at first, trust me, but each week gets easier with time. [ /en ] [ cn ] 从以上我分享的内容来看,小习惯会达到质的转变。最初会有点儿难,但相信我,随着时间的推移每周都会变得更容易一些。 [ /cn ]
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